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•VLT®AQUA Drive FC 202 •VLT®AutomationDrive FC 300 •VLT®AutomationDrive FC 360 •VLT®Decentral Drive FCD 302 •VLT®2800 General versions for horizontal and vertical applications are available. The Design Guide provides the information required to select and plan installation of the right brake resistor for an application: Contents 1 How to Read this Design Guide 7 1.1.1 Symbols 7 1.1.2 Abbreviations 7 1.1.3 Definitions 8 2 Safety and Conformity 11 2.1 Safety Precautions 11 3 Introduction 15 3.1 Pro 33 Digital input (see parameter 5-15 for function) Pulse input: see product guide 37 Only for FC 200 with optional safe stop Digital input for safe stop compliant with EN 954-1 Cat. 3 or EN 13849-1 SIL 2 (see parameter 5-19 for function) To achieve the safety function, the information in the design guide must be observed. These Operating Instructions will introduce all aspects of your VLT AQUA Drive. Available literature for VLT AQUA Drive: -Operating Instructions MG.20.MX.YY provide the neccessary information for getting the drive up and running. -Design Guide MG.20.NX.YY enta ils technical information abou t the drive design and cus- tomer applications. The unique Danfoss VVC+ control technology is ideal for high speed turbo blowers using PM motors, off ering from 0.5 to 3 % additional installed energy savings compared with using traditional VSDs. 1. Less panel space 2. Direct outdoor installation 3. Long cable capability as standard 4. Reduce air conditioning investment 5. Download Design Guide VLT AQUA Drive FC 202 . 1. 2 Danfoss VLT Aqua Drive FC 202 Variable Frequency Drive gives you maximum energy efficiency designed for the highest level of performance in water and wastewater variable torque applications. This new generation VLT AQUA Drive can realistically give you a first-year cost savings of between 10-30% compared to traditional drive solutions. Selection Guide 0.25 kW - 1.4 MW VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202 series for a Masterclass Performance 30% cost saving in the first year, compared to traditional dri Danfoss Drives Page 2 The VLT AutomationDrive is built on a flexible, modular design concept to provide versatile control. Its robust construction ensures maximum uptime. It comes equipped with a wide range of standard industry features which can be expanded with 'plug-and-play' options. VLT® Relay Card MCB 105 VLT® Analog I/O MCB109) High power options See the VLT® High Power Drive Selection Guide for a complete list. Power options Choose from a wide range of external power options for use with our drive in critical networks or applications: VLT® Low Harmonic Drive VLT® Advanced Harmonic Filter VLT® dU/dt fi lter VLT® HVAC Drive Design Guide An eight pole connector is included in accessory bag for FC 102 without Safe Stop. VLT® HVAC Drive Design Guide 5.1.4 Mechanical mounting All A, B and C enclosures allow side-by-side installation. 5 How to Install Exception: If a IP21 kit is used, there has to be a clearance between the enclosures. Contents 1 Introduction 5 1.1 Purpose of the Design Guide 5 1.2 Additional Resources 5 1.3 Document and Software Version 5 1.4 Conventions 5 2 Safety 6 2.1 Safety Symbols 6 2.2 Qu Contents 1 Introduction 5 1.1 Purpose of the Design Guide 5 1.2 Additional Resources 5 1.3 Document and Software Version 5 1.4 Conventions 5 2 Safety 6 2.1 Safety Symbols 6 2.2 Qu INSTRUCTION MANUAL GRUNDFOS. DANFOSS VLT 2800 ERROR 15 PLCS NET INTERACTIVE Q AMP A. QUICK GUIDE VLT®HVAC B
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