Dance music manual














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Dance Music Manual by Rick Snoman reveals to the readers exactly what the title suggests. The book is aimed at novice producers, yet it contains a lot of It is suitable for anyone looking to produce dance music, including beginners. The book comprises of topics such as compression, synthesis, sound design, drum Dance Music Manual, aimed at the novice and seasoned professional alike, takes the reader through the software and hardware needed to create original, This book examines different aspects of music production, from sound design, compression and effect to mixing and mastering to publishing and promoting, to help With Dance Music Manual, you'll get coverage of every aspect of dance music production―from designing sounds to compression, from effects to mixing and Whatever your level of experience, the Dance Music Manual is packed with sound advice, techniques, and practical examples to help you achieve professionalDance Music Manual, aimed at the novice and seasoned professional alike, takes the reader through the software and hardware needed to create original,

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