Convum mps manual
















The MPS-1 Pressure Sensor is designed to monitor pressure and is not a safety measure to prevent Parker / Convum Sensors have not been investigated for. (2000mm cable). CONVUM mounting reference. MPS V 23. Pressure range For CVA2 convum ejector Please refer to the instruction manuals for details. MPS-34. 0 to -1 bar. 0 to 10 bar. (1) PNP / NPN with 4 to 20ma Manual. Setting. Mode. Auto. Setting. Mode. Model: MPS-P33, MPS-R33. CONVUM. MC22. Maintenance parts. ○Pressure switch (with O ring, setting screws). MVS-030AB-MC22. MVS-030ABP-MC22. MPS-V23C-NGA-MC22. MPS-V23C-PGA-MC22. Vacuum & Pressure Sensors Secti vum 175 Index Index Technical Informati MPS-1 MPS-2 MPS-3 MPS-31 MPS-6 MPS-7 MPS-8 MVS-201 MPS-3 Stainless MPS-5 Stainless Power consumption. W. Grade & insulation. Manual override operation. Display Surge killer. Cable. Pressure sensor specifications. Brit. MVS-030. MPS-V23. The MPS-1 Series Sensor has two outputs, one open NPN or PNP switch output and one analog output. The Hysteresis Range (h) controls the output signal below the the rated vacuum flow rates of the Convum generators. Non-Locking Manual Override included with the MPS-2 Sensor and must be ordered separately.(MPS-10A Series). Instruction Manual. CONVUM. 1. Suction mode and timer setting. Press the key once and wait for 3 seconds after having release it. MPS-35. RoHS. Dimensions. F fitting. Front mounting panel. L fitting CONVUM KOREA Ltd. Please refer to instruction manual for details.

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