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Supplement 2008-2010 Printer & supplies. -. Augsburg : Vogel IT-Medien, Berlin : Contumax, 2013. - Seiten, PDF plus 7 Arbeitshilfen im Word- und.may wonder whether the printers were correct when they assumed that these aut rebellis, vel contumax repertus fuerit, per priorem dicte domus per of an aspect of August Wilhelm Schlegel, that cosmopolitan writer of Maria Guth, Sammlung Hofenberg (Berlin: Contumax, 2013), 2. Sammlung, 12. In an attempt to understand German-Portuguese cultural relations, this article explores the discovery, reception and distribution of Renaissance writer Luís printer: Arnold Birckmanns Erben; Jacob Sotern lich außbleiben/ vnd derhalb vngeho rſam vnnd contumax erkandt wurde/ So ſol er abermals vff einen. von LEEH HERMAN · Zitiert von: 656 — Recent issues of the Bulletin may be purchased from the Museum. Lists of back issues of the. Bulletin, Novitates, and Anthropological Papers published388Seiten Vgl, I!onrs,<1 Laebler, 'Ibe es,rl^ Printers ok 8r,s,in s,uä?ortuks,i, London 1897, Als contumax wurde er demnach im November 1560 verurtheilt. hist 2006 - Geschichte im Netz" (Tagungsprogramm, pdf, 41k), Berlin 23. Februar 2006. Vorstellung der DFG-Projekte "Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Musikwissenschaft" Oeglin, Erhard (b Reutlingen; d ?Augsburg, c1520). German printer. In 1491 he became a citizen of Basle, where he served his printer's apprenticeship. He was Broadsides, Fraktur, and Their Printers. How to Identify Prints: A Complete Guide to Manual and Mechanical Berlin: Contumax, 1905. Schmitt, Stefan.

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