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Looking for a contender g1 manual online? FilesLib is here to help you save time spent on searching. Search results include file name, description, size and number of pages. You can either read contender g1 manual online or download it to your computer.
The Thompson/Center Contender is a break-action single-shot pistol or rifle that was introduced in 1967 by Thompson/Center Arms. (G1) Contender and was replaced by the G2 Contender in 1998. The new design is dimensionally the same as the original Contender, but uses an Encore-style trigger group. You are limited in caliber to what you can put on a Contender. With an Encore, almost anything goes. The rifle calibers you have mentioned, 30-06, 220Swift, 22-250, are not Contender calibers. For deer sized game, the Contender can handle the 30-30 and 7-30 Waters, both are factory loadings and plenty of power for anything in the South. If you don't have a manual, printed copies are available free upon request by con - tacting the factory at the address below. They are also available via download from the company's web site shown below. THOMPSON/CENTER ARMS • CUSTOMER SUPPORT • 2100 Roosevelt Avenue • Springfield, MA 01104 TEL. Toll Free (866) 730-1614 I Love my G1 Contender but this G2 performance wise is top notch. The Blueing on the Contender is beautiful. The Blueing on the G2 frame is more of a Parkerizing style. But it is what it is. I Love my G2 Contender especially if I get that 14" barrel to shoot better. But performance wise, this G2 wins hands down. This message has been edited. It is a MUCH more substantial screw slot than that little thing on the back of the hammer, and the manual, which I still have, clearly states that is what is supposed to be used to rotate the hammer. Cock the hammer and look carefully. I have never seen a Contender with this type of hammer that didn't have a slot on the front of the hammer nose. Summarized as follows from the book: 1. The flat-side "The original Contender was made with no photoengraving or etching on it, and many of us thought it more visually appealing than the guns that quickly followed it. There's damn few of them around, and if you can find one, for heaven's sake, rathole it away somewhere." 2. The Eagle Contender Contender Springs/Parts. Bellm T/Cs has specialized in the T/C contender since 1979 and even though this weapon has long been discontinued we continue to innovate by manufacturing every possible spring and part that we can. We are always adding new products to this list of incredibly difficult to find replacement parts. Here are the manufacturing dates docand Posted January 03, 2009 09:13 AM Serial #'s T/C Contender "Blued" Year Jan. - June July - Dec. 1967 1001-2250 Misc parts cleaning out . #1 G1 w grip bolt rt handed target with metal cat cap and 2 stocks 110.00 shipped. #2 G1 TC Black plastic factory finger grove grip w bolt 7-1/2" Black synthetic forearm 2 screws 80.00 shipped. # 3 SOLD G1 pachmayer presentation grip not finger grip type w bolt 40.00 shipped. #5 G1 custom wood finger grove left or rt Bolt Stop Pin, New Factory Original. Manufacturer: THOMPSON / CENTER ARMS. Model: CONTENDER PISTOL, CONTENDER CARBINE. Product #: 1046030A. $4.95 Tc contender pistol at fallout new vegas. Contender minty. ARMSLIST - For Sale/Trade: THOMPSON CONTENDER G2 WITH 2 BARRELS. 11 Images about ARMSLIST - For Sale/Trade: THOMPSON CONTENDER G2 WITH 2 BARRELS : ARMSLIST - For Sale: TC Contender, TC CONTENDER 223 10" and also TC Contender Pistol at Fallout New Vegas - mods and com
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