Coby rc-057 remote control manual
















This item: RC-057 Remote Control Replaced for COBY TV TFTV1925 LEDTV1926 TFTV2225 LEDTV1935 LEDTV2326 LEDTV3226 LEDTV5536 LEDVD1596 TFTV2425 TFTV4028 TFTV3229 $7.99 Get it as soon as Tuesday, Jun 21 FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon Roku Express | HD Streaming Media Player with High Speed HDMI Cable and Simple Remote $24.00 TV is Coby RC-057. Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android 0 1 tivoburkee +19 more Professor • 2.2K Messages 9 years ago try searching by volume, with tv on, volume up but muted: 1. TV 2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release 3. enter 9 9 1, wait two blinks 4. enter 1 5. press and release VOL UP COBY is a global brand known for premium technology and sleek design within its family of electronics, accessories and products for the home. The Sony RM-YD057 full-function or Universal remote control to operate varios devices and you can program the remote control to operate most of the popular brands of audio/video equipment like a TV, a DVD player (or VCR), or a Network satellite receiver. Remote manual with instructing and Codes: COBY TVs. oCosmo TVs. Mitsubishi TVs Before operating this equipment, please read this manual completely, and keep it nearby for future reference. Important Safety Instructions 1. Read Instructions: All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated. 2. New replacement TV RC-057 remote control IR Remote Batteries not included No programming required If the remote isn't working directly, try the following steps to fix it: 1. Install the Brand New Batteries. 2. Remove the batteries from the remote. Press every button on the remote at least one time to drain any residual power. [Books] Coby Rc 057 User Guide As recognized, adventure as skillfully as experience nearly lesson, amusement, as without difficulty as bargain can be gotten by just checking out a book coby rc 057 remote control will try a new code every second. 3. Once the TV responds correctly, release the button. 4. Press to save the current settings and finish programming your remote control. Reset the Remote Control Original Settings 1. Press and hold the and buttons together, and release. 2. The RED LED will blink twice and then stay on. 3. New RC057 RC-057 Replace Remote Control Applicable for Coby TV TFTV4028 TFTV2225 EDTV1935 LEDTV3226 TFTV1925 TFTV3229 TFTV2225 TFTV2425 LEDTV5536 LEDTV1926 No programming or paring is needed.Just install new batteries and it is ready for use. Power Supply: 2X 1.5V AAA Alkaline Battery. Batteries and manual are not included. Coby RC057 remote control for LEDTV1926, LEDTV1935, LEDTV3226, LEDTV5536, TFTV1925, TFTV2225, TFTV2425, TFTV3229, TFTV4025, TFTV4028 models YOU WILL RECEIVE THE NEW STYLE COBY RC-057 REMOTE . Model: RC057 Catalogue No.: 79208 . Operating Manuals Available for This Remote Control: Coby TFTV3229 Operating Manual $8.99. Add to Cart; Coby COBY RC-056 Remote Control * More Info. COBY RC-057 Remote Control. $12.99. More Info. COBY TFTV3227 TV Remote. $14.99. More Info. COBY TFTV4025 TV Remote. $14.99. Purchase the original Brand Name Remote Controls for TV, Blu Ray, Home Theater, DVD, Sound Bar, Smart Touch, etc., or watch the video reviews of the components you are interested Jump to the MOST COMMON UNIVERSAL REMOTE CODES FOR TV here: The most common 2, 3, 4, and 5 digit universal TV remote codes can be found on the following pages: 2 digit TV remote code

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