firma contra LSP
Welcome 4th Graders! In this page you will be able to see what Unit and Lesson your class worked on today and which skill from the IXL webpage you can practice! a. MSO (Admn) Vol. I,II & III b. Manual of General Office Procedures c. Establishment Manual d. FR & SR, Part I to Part V e. General Financial Rules f. Central Civil Service Rules (Pension), 1972 g. Central Service Medical Attendance Rules, 1944 h. Central Civil Service Rules (Conduct), 1955 i. Provisions of Regulation on Audit and Accounts 2007 issued by CAG 7. Provisions of Performance Auditing Guidelines issued by CAG 8. Audit of Public Sector Undertaking (Section II, Chapter V of MSO (Audit) 9. Provisions ofCompanies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 10.Special features of Audit of: a. Finance Companies b. The office of CAG HQ respondent no.1 issued a circular dated 13.10.2016 (A-14 with rejoinder) wherein the competent authority has granted two more consecutive attempts to pass two exclusive papers of SAS (Civil Accounts) Stream viz PC-13 (Accountancy) and PC-21 (Govt. Accounts) to those officials of A&E Offices who had passed all 7 common MSO(Administrative) Vol II - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Federal Govt Pakistan. Federal Govt Pakistan. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. CAGs letter No.2548- Full Powers NGE.I/271-61 dated 11-1962 (xxi) Electricity, gas CAGs circular letter Full Powers and water charges No Section 24. The Regulation on Audit and Accounts'2007 do not apply to. Bodies/authorities and enterprises to which CAG's audit/accounts jurisdiction extend. All ministries and departments of Union Government and State Governments. Union Territory Governments. It includes: 6 Auditing Standards of CAG of India. Financial Attest Audit Manual, Internal Control Evaluation Manual, . Service) Act , provides free access for the CAG and his auditors to all premises and . F urther, as per para of Financial Attested Audit Manual of the Comptroller and . Dewett and Sh M. Indian Financial System by Sh. (D.P.C.) Act, 1971, the CAG has to prepare for the Central Government, Section 10 of CAG's DPC Act (extract) each State Government and the Government of each of the Union 10(1) The C.A.G. Shall be responsible Territories provided with separate (a) for compiling the accounts of Legislative Assemblies under the the Union and of each State Govern Financial and Compliance Audit, Methods and Procedure of auditing including auditing inInformation Technology (IT) Environment, Regulations issued on Audit and Accounts issued bythe CAG of India. MSO (Audit) including Financial Attest Audit Manual, Auditing Standardsissued by the CAG of India, International Auditing Standards issued by the IFAC. Strict compliance of the provisions contained in the Flag Code of India, 2002 and Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971. Circular dated 16.04.2019 regarding determination of relaxed standards for SC/ST Candidates in SAS exam. Circular Dated 07.01.2016 reg.Reservation in cases of Deputation-c**-eventual absorption of SOG/SAS passed In terms of revised para of MSO Admn (Vol-l) dated 20.02.2014, Sr. AOs/AOs after Eligibility criteria for Revenue Audit Examinations The applicants will have to register their names online like previous year, which will be notified in due course. fresh as well as repeater candidates intending to appear annual SAS/RA/CPD-I (Main) 1.Auditing Standards issued by the CAG of India 2.International Auditing Standards issued by
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Última Andres Morales, 12 abr. 2013 3 Respuestas 0 Recomendaciones
noviembre 4, 2013, 1:30pm . 0 Comentarios (Ve/Añade el tuyo) 1 Recomendación
abril 25, 2013, 2:30pm . 0 Comentarios (Ve/Añade el tuyo) 0 Recomendaciones
abril 24, 2013, 6:00pm . 0 Comentarios (Ve/Añade el tuyo) 2 Recomendaciones
octubre 3, 2012, 11:42am . 0 Comentarios (Ve/Añade el tuyo) 2 Recomendaciones
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