C3 stormwater handbook
















Stormwater Management Enforcement Guidance Manual Appendices. Description: This manual is a resource for construction staff on the applicable contract requirements, laws, regulations, and permits applicable to Stormwaterpollution. Additionally, the manual identifies effective methods for enforcing Stormwater requirements applicable to contractors. Chapter 11: Non-GI BMPs that may be used for Groundwater Recharge, Stormwater Runoff Quality, and/or Stormwater Runoff Quantity only with a Waiver or Variance from N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.3. Adopted Amendments to the Stormwater Management Rules. FAQ Page. Amended Stormwater Management Rules - Operative 3/2/2021. Green Infrastructure in NJ. The MRP also requires the on-going maintenance of constructed LID measures, as well as inspection of these measures by the County at least every 5 years. The responsibility for the maintenance of stormwater treatment measures belongs to the property owner. Maintenance duties are described in an Operation and Maintenance Agreement. 1b: Volume - CASQA BMP Handbook Method 2a: Flow - Factored Flood Flow Method 2b: Flow - CASQA BMP Handbook Method 2c: Flow - Uniform Intensity Method 3: Combination Flow and Volume Design Basis 8. Alternative Certification: Was the treatment system sizing and design reviewed by a qualified third- California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) released four Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbooks in January 2003. The design guidance contained in the New Development and Redevelopment Best Management Practice Handbook was also used in the preparation of this manual. Design specifications were also drawn from a number of other sources: D.3 Plants for Stormwater Measures Plants play an important role in the function of landscape-based stormwater treatment measures: Infiltration and evapotranspiration. Plants aid in the reduction of stormwater runoff by both increasing infiltration, and by returning water to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration. Pollutant trapping. discretionary approval is granted before 12/1/11, a NO answer means that stormwater treatment may be met through biotreatment; a YES answer means that stormwater treatment must be met through rainwater har vesting and reuse or infiltration. In either case, continue to Item 5. 4/3/20. Erosion-Sediment-Control. Erosion and Sediment Control Manual - 90mb size - 2010 Version; Effective June 2007: Last Update July 2013. 7/1/13. Stormwater Quality Applicants Handbook. Environmental Resource Permit Stormwater Quality Applicant's Handbook. Note** March 17, 2010 DRAFT version. 3/17/10. CSLE Web Version. a County C.6 Stormwater Permit if the construction-related stormwater runoff from the work site could constitute a water quality hazard; check with the Land Development Division at (510) 670-5480. Go to B.12. B.12 Summarizing Items B.9 thru B.11, is the proposed construction subject to Provision C.6 Regional Stormwater Permit (MRP), is not considered an impervious surface. For More Information (5013-5014, 5541, 7532-7534, 7536-7539) For more information regarding selection of Best Management Practices for stormwater pollution prevention or stormwater treatment contact the Development Services Office: (408) 299-5700 County of Santa Clara The challenge of designing sustainable stormwater solutions for a variety of complex scenarios is met with deep knowledge and experience on the application, as well as efficient technology. Download our free guide on stormwater managemen

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