Bristan showers manuals














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thermostatic shower valve installation instructions



with the user. Installation Instructions and User Guide. Single & Dual Control. Exposed Bottom Outlet. Shower Valves. Models covered: FLT SQSHXAR C,. Insert filter washer and secure the shower to the wall mount. 21mm. REMEMBER. To service your product! Operation. Secure the shower to the wall mount, ensuring filters are in place. Installation Instructions. & User Guide accordance with these instructions. Your Bristan shower valve is a thermostatic mixer incorporating a wax capsule thermostat to ensure constant shower temperatures. These instructions are forBRISTAN N2 SHC3STP C 1901 Traditional 2 Way Concealed Shower Valve Installation Instructions & User Guide Please leave these instructions with the end-user Cheer Electric Shower. Models Covered: CHE85 W, CHE95 W. Please keep this booklet for future reference. Installer, when you have read these instructions Thank you for choosing Bristan, the UK's leading showers and taps expert. Your Bristan shower valve is a thermostatic mixer incorporating a wax capsule. Insert the filter washers and secure the shower to the wall mount. REMEMBER. To service your product! Operation. IMPORTANT. Pack Contents. Installation Instructions and User Guide. Sonique, Capri & Acute. Thermostatic Surface. Mounted Mini Shower. Valves. Models covered: SOQ2 SHXAR C,.

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