Breastfeeding quiz pdf














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Many of the modules include questions that are asked in some months but not others. View the timetable pdf icon[PDF-43KB] for the administration of each topic. Breastfeeding does not fit my lifestyle. ❑ 2. My partner won't like it. Breasts are sexual, not for feeding. ❑ 3. My mother didn't breastfeed, Quiz – Breastfeeding and Child Nutrition Week. QUESTIONS. 1. The only benefit of breastfeeding is the nutrients for the baby. True ☐. False ☐. Breastfeeding Quiz. Instructions: Circle True or False for each question. 1. Modern infant formula is very similar or the same as breast milk. True False. Take the Breastfeeding Quiz. Breastfeeding offers a range of benefits for your and your child. Do you know what they are? 1. Breastfed children are less New moms-to-be can be skeptic about breastfeeding and related issues. Test your knowledge on the basics of breastfeeding and discover how motherhood is Do you know the truth about breastfeeding? Answer these questions when you begin to consider infant feeding options in early pregnancy and find out. Breastfeeding is the optimal source of nutrition. The Breast milk not removed effectively quiz/cow_picture.png.

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