branch instruction in assembly language arm branch instruction examples branch instruction in pipelining branch instruction mips conditional branch instructions types of branch instructions unconditional branch instruction example jump instructions
A branch instruction computes the target address in one of four ways: Target address is the sum of a constant and the address of the branch instruction itself. An example of a simple hardware branch prediction scheme is to assume that all backward branches (to a smaller program counter) are taken (because they are part List of 8086 Conditional Branch Instructions ; JNC, Jump if Not Carry, C=0 ; JCXZ, Jump if the CX register=0, CX=0 ; JE/JZ, Jump if Equal/Jump if Zero, Z=1 ; JG/Addressing Modes: Refer to branch-related addressing modes table. Page 5. X86 Assembly Language Programming for the PC. 54. EXAMPLE
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