RELIGIOUS TEXTS TRANSLATION SERIES NISABA VOLUME NINE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MAGICAL TEXTS TRANSLATED BY J. F. BORGHOUTS % E. J. BRILL— LEIDEN— 1978 ANC1F. Now back in print after 25 years: A small but unusually exhaustive collection of magical texts from some of the most important ancient Egyptian manuals and of the ancient Egyptians. Circle of Isis: Ancient Egyptian Magic for Modern Witches RELIGIOUS TEXTS TRANSLATION SERIES NISABA VOLUME NINE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MAGICAL TEXTS TRANSLATED BY J. F. BORGHOUTS E. Views 606 Downloads 146 File size 3MB. TIlE MECHANICS OF ANCIENT EGYPT MAGICAL PRACTICE. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, London. Pyramid Texts (spell).The ancient Egyptian expressed Osiris's torn body by the word/expression “ iwf Wsir ”, meaning Osiris's body members (Osiris's flesh). The texts identified Editor / Translator: J.F. Borghouts collection of magical texts from some of the most important ancient Egyptian manuals and stelae, View PDF Flyer. No general book on Egyptian magic can be written without J.F. BORGHOUTS Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts Nisaba 9, Leiden, 1978.
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