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DHVI BD LSRII (L01/L02) and BD LSRFortessa (F01) By signing the "Approved By" section below, the person attest that he/she has personally conducted a review of the document for completeness and accuracy and approves the contents of the SOP document. Approved By: Derek W. Cain, PhD Title: Managing Director of DHVI Flow Facility Signed: BD LSR Fortessa (16 colour Analyser) 4 lasers, 16 filters (see table below). Sample loading via tubes. Table of lasers and filters available: Laser. Filters. Example of Fluorochrome. Blue 488nm. B 710/50. BD Synapsys ™ Informatics Solution Overview Contact 1 2 Microbiology laboratories play a key role in infectious disease management. At the same time, they face a growing list of challenges, including lab consolidation, increased regulations, decreasing reimbursements and a shortage of skilled staff. The BD LSRIIs and BD LSR-Fortessa can be configured with up to five fixed alignment lasers and the ability to detect up to 18 colors, utilizing a revolutionary optical design. The BD LSRIIs and BD LSR-Fortessa can be configured with a 488 nm, 405 nm, 640 nm, 561 nm, 445 nm and 355nm UV laser. The electronics digitize signals 10 million times BD LSRFortessa X-20 Configuration Laser Detector Filter Mirror Dye 488nm (Blue) A 695/40 670LP PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5 PerCP efluor 710 B 530/30 505LP FITC, GFP, CFSE, BB515 Alexa Fluor 488 C 488/10 - SSC 561nm (Yellow/Green) A 780/60 750LP PE-Cy7 B 670/30 635LP PE-Cy5, 7AAD, mPlum using the BD LSRFortessa X-20 or the BD FACSCelesta. Operation of the BD LSRFortessa X-20 or BD FACSCelesta incl. all startup / shutdown procedures. Acquisition & analysis of human blood (BD™ MultiCheck) and mouse spleen samples using tubes or the High Throughput Sampler (HTS). Maintenance & Cleaning Cleaning & Maintenance Procedures for the DHVI BD LSRII (L01/L02) and BD LSRFortessa (F01) By signing the "Approved By" section below, the person attest that he/she has personally conducted a review of the document for completeness and accuracy and approves the contents of the SOP document. Approved By: Derek W. Cain, PhD Title: Managing Director of DHVI Flow Facility Signed: 1 2 The BD Microtainer ® MAP Microtube for Automated Process is the first one-piece, instrument-compatible microtube to offer both standard full-size patient identification labels as well as compatibility with most automated haematology instruments. Automated processing The LSRFortessa SORP is a 4-laser, 14-parameter special order high-use instrument. It is equipped with 405nm (violet), 488nm (blue), 532nm (green), and 633nm (red) excitation lasers. Please click the links below for the Reservation Calendar and Filter Configuration. Reservation Calendar Default Filter Configuration Spill-over Chart This video describes the process of manual and auto compensation in BD FACSDiva on the LSR II. BD LSRFortessaTechnical Specifications Installation Requirements Dimensions (H x W x D) 38 x 36 x 30 in. (96.5 x 91.4 x 76.2 cm) Weight ~440 lb (199.6 kg) Temperature Operating Range 66-79ºF (19-26ºC) Humidity 10% to 90% relative, non-condensing Heat Dissipation 2353 BTUs per hour Power
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