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BCA Semester-II nd - Digital Electronics & Computer Organization Syllabus. Here you will find the syllabus of second subject in BCA Semester-II nd, which is Digital Electronics & Computer Organization.. Important - The syllabus may vary from college to college.. Digital Electronics and Computer Organization Units. This course/subject is divided into total of 5 units as given below: BCA104P Digital Electronics Lab 3 15 35 50 1 Part - 3 - Foundation Course 3 30 70 100 2 - CC & EC 50 50 1 II Part - 1 BCA201T Indian Language 4 20 80 100 2 FIRST SEMESTER BCA BCA101T : INDIAN LANGUAGE Syllabus as per the one prescribed for science courses of Bangalore University. BCA102T : ENGLISH 1st Bca Lab Manual Of Digital Electronics Thanks to the wide availability of the Internet all over the world, it is now possible to instantly share any file with people from all corners of the globe. On the one hand, it is a positive development, but on the other hand, this ease of sharing makes it tempting to create simple websites with badly Home › Forums › Transportation Talk › Digital lab manual pdf Tagged: digital, Lab, manual, pdf This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year, 9 months ago by sseiius. Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author Posts February 3, 2020 at 3:45 am #121126 sseiiusParticipant . . Digital lab manual pdf … Digital Logic-Complete Notes(BCA 1st Semester) 0. Facebook; Twitter; Digital Logic. Course Contents. Unit 1 Introduction to Digital Logic. Computer Fundamental and Application-Laboratory Works(MS 0. Number System . 0. Combination Logic Design . 0. Computer Software . 0. Comments; Facebook Comments; Name. Email. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LABORATORY LAB MANUAL - 15ECL38 III-SEMESTER 2016-2017 Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Mrs. A. Deepa Mrs. Kavitha M V Dr. A.A. Powly Thomas DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LABORATORY [As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme] The course has the following specific objectives: - To perform conversion among different number systems. - To simplify logic functions. - To design combinational and sequential logic circuit. - To understand industrial application of logic system. - To understand Digital IC analysis and its application. - Designing of programmable
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