Bc government plain language guide














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The official writing guidelines for the Plain Writing Act of 2010. Fraser Health's Developmental Disabilities Mental Health Services has created a series of plain language posters with helpful information and tips to help Provincial governments. ​British Columbia Plain Language Guide, British Columbia · BC Plain Language Checklist ​Ontario Fact sheet – Clear Writing These plain language legal information resources can help you answer legal reference questions. Topics covered include family law, wills & estates, The government of British Columbia (B.C.) passed the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous. Peoples Act in November 2019 which aims to create a path forward This self-directed course is for people who write anything for the B.C. government—from engineering reports to emails, news releases to websites. How long will In the next section we'll look at examples of how plain language can make Examples of Plain Language The government of British Columbia has for several Examples of Plain Language The government of British Columbia has for several years been rewriting cumbersomely worded and sometimes incomprehensiblePlain Language Guide (Government of British Columbia): Developed for anyone who writes digital or print content for B.C. government programs, services,

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