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Dump That Clutch Pedal : Auto-Clutch is an accessory which when fitted on a manual transmission car, makes the use of clutch pedal reducant. It is basically a Auto-Clutch is an accessory which when fitted on a manual transmission car, makes the use of clutch pedal redunant. It is a parallel system to the existing The Auto-Clutch works very similarly to a regular AMT gearbox. Fitted as an accessory, the installation process requires no major modification. The user merely Grab wholesale Auto Transmission Systems our extensive range of auto clutch for manual car collection. Please take advantage of our great bargains by The module collects instant driving parameters of the car and set the clutch pedal to the appropriate position. The parameters for different driving conditionsAuto Clutch driving aid is a device that extends the use of your manual vehicle, enabling gear change without the need to press the clutch pedal. These systems facilitate gear shifts for the driver by operating the clutch system automatically, usually via switches that trigger an actuator or servo, while In this automatic mode, the clutch pedal is fully linked to the state of the accelerator pedal operated by the driver. That is, in the automatic mode, the Auto-Clutch is an accessory which when fitted on a manual transmission car, makes the use of clutch pedal redunant. It is a parallel system to the existing AutoClutch is an innovative device that eliminates the need to use your foot on the clutch to change gear and enables you to drive a manual gear box vehicle

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