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Shamsideen (2016) teaching and learning activities are interesting when audio-visual materials are used effectively and efficiently in a classroom-teaching situation. It is universal fact that children learn best by observing and copying the behaviors of adults. Sunder (2010) stated that leaning is more effective when Home | DIET Mathura All these materials are cultural materials. The definition of audiovisual materials is intended to cover a maximum of forms and formats, trying to leave it open for further technical developments.6 Multimedia A combination of two or more digital media (text, graphics, audio, animation, video, etc.) used in a computer application or data file, 1999 Web Edition Table of Contents Introduction Creating Audiovisual Records Maintaining Audiovisual Records Scheduling and Disposition Records Elements for Archival Materials Further Information and Assistance Appendix A. Series Inventory Form Appendix B. Audiovisual Records Management Self-Evaluation Checklist Appendix C. General Records Schedule (GRS) 21 Appendix D. Code of Federal Ausiovisual materials are important because with them learners have a clear view is being taught. 3. Audio visual materials guide learners or students in the learning process.Their learning is boosted, hence reducing their stress. 4. Audiovisual aids in the classroom enhance teaching methods and build up student's compilation. A term that continues to be popular, despite the introduction of more explicit term, is audio-visual Three are some kinds of popular audiovisual aids which can be used in teaching learning process, they are: Slides Filmstrips, Film, Video compact disk Analyzing A. Types of Material Development in Teaching Speaking 1. Audiovisual materials can reach out to sections of the public for whom the traditional print-based materials have little impact, e.g. to those who are reluctant to use the printed word, and to those with visual and other handicaps. In developing countries the provision of audiovisual materials and their associated These two kinds of materials play an important role in the teaching and learning language process. Audio materials increase stu- dents' motivation and interest at the highest degree because they require the use of both eye and ear and thus they produce two main effects. First, learners get used to the teaching of language. Education: Using Audio-Visual Materials . This fact sheet covers use of audio-visual material by educational institutions. For the copyright issues surrounding the staging of a musical, concert or play by an educational institution please refer to our . Education: Musicals, Concerts and Plays. fact sheet. You may also find the Education: Introduction. Audio Visual Aids are also called instructional material. Audio literally means "hearing" and "visual" means that which is found by seeing. So all such aids, which endeavor to make the knowledge clear to us through our sense are called "Audio Visual Aids" or Instructional Material. All these learning material make the AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS To acquaint parents and others with the progress and productivity of students, school principals, teachers, and instructional supervisors are encouraged to exhibit meritorious accomplishments of students. The school District will provide in its annual budget funds to cover display AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS To acquaint parents and others with the progress and productivity of students, school principals, teachers, an
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