Arizona newspaper association public notices

Arizona newspaper association public notices
















2. The court has set a hearing on June 22, 2021, at 1:30 p.m., at the Maricopa County Superior Court, Juvenile Division/Durango Facility, 3131 West Durango, Phoenix, Arizona 85009-6292, before the Honorable Julie A. Mata for the purpose of determining whether any parent or guardian named herein is contesting the allegations in the Motion. NJPUBLICNOTICES.COM offers access 24 hours a day, seven days a week to local, county, and statewide public notices placed by governments and ordered by courts all over N.J. These include public notices legally required to be published about foreclosures, hearings, procurement of bids, financial reports, ordinances and other government activities. This website is a compilation of public notices published throughout the state of Washington. offers access 24 hours a day, seven days a week to statewide notices about foreclosures, public hearings, advertisements for bids, financial reports, ordinances and other government activities that are legally required to be published. Contact us to learn how to become a participating newspaper. What are Public Notices? Public Notices are advertisements placed in newspapers by the government, businesses, and individuals. They include: government contracts foreclosures unclaimed property community information and more Click here to learn more. Newspaper Coverage by State USA Legal Notice. Our archives are aggregated by state newspaper associations and can be searched by keyword or region. You can find any legal notice required by law to be published, including but not limited to: foreclosures, public hearings, financial reports, ordinances, and other government activities.

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