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Figura 28. Descamación – vista de cerca. Fuente: American Railway Engineering And Maintenance-of-way Association. (2010) Manual for Railway engineering,the rail web) at Distances Ranging from 4 to 28 mm from the Gauge Side of the Rail; The AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering. (2010). Volume 1, Chapter 7KH PDWHULDO LQ WKLV DQG RWKHU FKDSWHUV LQ WKH $5(0$ Manual for Railway Engineering LV SXEOLVKHG DV UHFRPPHQGHG SUDFWLFH WR UDLOURDGV DQG RWKHUV This Manual is divided into four Volumes which are further subdivided into Chapters and Parts. Each volume contains a general subject index covering data found descritos en AREMA (Asociación. Estadounidense de Ingeniería de 28. TABLE 4. MADERAS DURAS MEZCLADAS DEL SUR Manual for Railway Engineering,. Professional engineering association for railway and transit personnel offering educational opportunities and produces the recommended practices for railway 7KH PDWHULDO LQ WKLV DQG RWKHU FKDSWHUV LQ WKH $5(0$ Manual for Railway Engineering LV SXEOLVKHG DV UHFRPPHQGHG SUDFWLFH WR UDLOURDGV DQG RWKHUV
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