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powerful wyrm to deva guidance for aasimar firbolgs goliaths kenku have. The description of Aasimar in. Volo's Guide To Monsters says they are descendedEach aasimar can count a specific celestial agent of the gods as a guide. This entity is typically a deva, an angel who acts as a messenger to the mortal Each aasimar can count a specific celestial agent of the gods as a guide. This entity is typically a deva, an angel who acts as a messenger to the mortal Aasimar tend to be guided by a specific type of Angel known as a Deva, who An aasimar, except for one who has turned evil, has a link to an angelic being. That being—usually a deva—provides guidance to the aasimar, Devas were a race of angelic souls contained within mortal bodies. These souls were reborn again and again, meaning that devas had access to the experiences

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