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80x86 Integer Instruction Set Timings (8088 - Pentium). Source: quantasm.com/opcode_i.html. Legend: General acc = AL, AX or EAX unless specified Integer Instruction Set (8088 - Pentium. Instruction formats, clock cycles and Pentium® Pairing info. AAA ASCII adjust after addition bytes 8088 186 286 Intel 8088 instruction set Groups of instructions Here the additional bytes and cycles are to be added to instruction length and duration, Microprocessor - 8086 Instruction Sets · Data Transfer Instructions · Arithmetic Instructions · Bit Manipulation Instructions · String Instructions · ProgramThe Intel 8086 / 8088 / 80186 / 80286 / 80386 / 80486 Instruction Set ; General Purpose Registers. AH/AL AX (EAX) ; Segment Registers. CS ; Pointer Registers 8088 Instruction Set. MOV – Move. Immediate to Reg. 1011 wreg data-LSB data-MSB (w=1). T=4. Register Direct. 1000 10dw modregr/m. T=2. Register Indirect. Different Groups of Instructions in Instruction Set of 8088/8086: Instruction Set:à The instruction set of a microprocessor defines the basic operations 8088 Instruction Set. DATA TRANSFER. MOV PUSH, POP IN, OUT. XCHG XLAT. PUSHF, POPF LAHF, SAHF. CBW - convert byte to word. CWD - convert word to double-word. This lecture describes a subset of the 8088 architecture and instruction set. While it's not possible to cover all the details of the 8088 in one lecture
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