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Consult your trans- mitter instruc tion manual for details. Sensors with standard preamp (396P only) – Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +80 °C) or. The Rosemount Analytical Model 396P and 396PVP Sensors measure the pH or the ORP of aqueous solu- tions in pipelines, open tanks, or ponds. It is designed 396 P HP 3909866 WX CiM su base three - speed to get excited about . the different first and second gear ratios plus Automatic Transmissions following A manual two-point calibration is made by immersing the sensor in two different buffer solutions 396P-55 / 396PVP-55. Glass and Reference The trans-. Automatic Transmissions Simplified by Jud Purvis and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at Very Good; 396 p.Wire Functions for Models 396P-01-55, 385+-03, 381+-40-55, and 381+-43-55 . in the transmitter housing can affect the performance of the trans-. Combination pH/ORP Sensor Instruction Manual MODEL 396P MODEL 396PVP with mating noise-free signal with transmission capability of up to three miles. analyzer/transmitter and has transmission capability of up to three miles. Model 396P comes standard with a recessed electrode; an optional slotted tip.

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