Автор: V Temperini · Цитируется: 18 — Dunn, M., & Davis, S. M. (2004). Creating the brand-driven business: It's the CEO who must lead the way? Handbook of Business Strategy, 5(1), 241-245. Esch, An exploratory survey on the impact of new internet brand touch-points. politiche di brand management (Kapferer, 2000; Chen, 2001; Stuart, Jones, 2004; Автор: D VIANELLI · Цитируется: 49 — KEYWORDS: country of origin, brand image, country image, consumer behavior 2004) dei consumatori, i quali tendono a preferire i prodotti nazionali an idealised, fickle or opportunistic brand image” (Kapferer, 2004). Brand smi-ati.it/documenti/centrostudi/ns_2008_9_25_2254.pdf. Rivista "Mercato e consumatori" - Quaderno Informativo 19-20-21/2004 (pdf); Rivista "Mercato e consumatori" - Quaderno Informativo 16-17-18/2003 (pdf)5 июл. 2022 г. — PDF | Over the past decade, tribal marketing paved the way for so-called communal approaches to consumption. The behaviour of consumers The brand building process of a convention destination. Giacomo Del Chiappa. Phd in Marketing and Management. Contract Professor of Economics and Management Come costruire e gestire una marca di successo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2004. Farquhar P.H., “Managing Brand Equity”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 5 июл. 2022 г. — This paper, starting from the studies on the consistency between real brand image and virtual one, investigates the effects on the effectiveness
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